The Improvement consisting in providing, in weighing machines or industrial weighing scales, a sequence of two, three ...n similar scales instead of only one scale (or a different device for quantity weighing); in detecting the weight of the same quantity from each scale and thus assuming, as real value, the average of two, three ...n weights obtained, by means of an appropriate computer.
This invention consists in a weighing scale for checking weight accuracy, and in other machines for industrial weighing, which use two or more weighing scales instead of only one. The scales must be similar and loaded consecutively with the mass to be checked. The scales are equipped with a device adapted to calculate the detected weight on an average. This average weight value has regularly proven to be statistically more precise than values detected by only one scale: this is the industrial invention.
Improvement to industrial weighing scales and respective devices to obtain it
The invention consists in providing the machines which are already equipped with industrial weighing scales (static and dynamic machines for weight control,weight selecting machines, weight filling machines, weight distributing machines, etc...) of several weighing scales arranged in sequence, so that the same quantity is successively weighed by each scale; the weight values thus obtained are then averaged by means of a suitable computer which supplies the result of these averages for each weighed mass. To give an example, reference is made to the weighing machines for the automatic weighing control referred to by the metric law as "weight selecting machines".
Such machines are mainly composed of: a conveyor spacer of the objects to be weighed, of a industrial weighing scale, of an electronic system for detection and comparison with one or more acceptable preset values and of an output conveyor equipped with or without a device used for the separation of non-accepted objects.
The errors of the weighing scale are scattered within the region of uncertainty of the scale, the extent thereof acts as a function of three parameters: the weight of the object to be controlled, its shape and more precisely its length along the advancement direction of the object itself on the weighing plate and the speed with which it moves. The scattering of the errors (see fig. 1, curve 1) would be represented by a Gaussian curve if these errors were merely incidental; which in practice rarely occurs. The detection of numerous errors leads to the plotting of an histogram from which can be read a more or less distorted asymmetric Gaussian curve.
The value consists in three times the Mean Square Deviation or Standard Deviation and is indicated by the Arab letter "S" or the Greek " sigma " . This is legally defined as the weight selecting weighing machine precision (for a certain object with a precise working speed). That is to say, the + or - sigma amplitude contains half of the errors, while +3 sigma and -3 sigma amplitude contains their total number.
The legal definition of a weighing machine precision is derived from this statistically made assuption.
By way of example a weight selecting machine of the motorized plate type is illustrated: it is composed of a belt scale (1) (see fig.3) supporting the weighing plate (4), which consists of a small conveyor belt weigher (or chain) directly driven by a motor or by a gear motor (6).
Such a conveyor acts as a weighing plate and bears on the scale with a tare equal to the conveyor weight. It is preceded and followed by two input (2) and output (3) conveyors.
The errors made by the scale (1) which is subjected to the several weighings of the same object (5) are scattered along a curve (1) as shown in fig. 1.
This invention consists in inserting a second scale (1) (see fig. 4) in the system, so that the object (5) is weighed in succession by both industrial weighing scales.
Each of these industrial weighing scales creates a group of errors which, if taken individually, would form a curve (1) as in fig 1. If, however, the values of the readout of the first scale are from time to time memorized and averaged with those values provided by the second scale by a computer (7) (fig. 4) to which both scales are connected, the dispersion curve of errors assumes the configuration of curve No. 2 as shown in fig.1.
It should be noticed that curve 2 shows an average scatter of errors which is lower than that of curve 1. This leads to a reduction of the sigma 2 absolute value in curve 2 with respect to the sigma 1 absolute value in curve 1.
The above reduction of the STANDARD DEVIATION value is equal to approximately 30% and can be verified both theoretically and empirically.
The industrial result consists in an appreciable improvement to the precision of the weighing scale, regardless of its type.
The accuracy in weighing can be refined further as the number of scales arranged in sequence increases (fig. 5). The improvement can be applied to any weighing machine or industrial process which employs one or more weighing scales and will be increasingly useful as the precision of the process weighing scale reduces or as the mass to be weighed increases intrinsically in value.
Where technical features mentioned in any claim are followed by reference signs, those reference signs have been included, for the sole purpose of increasing the intelligibility of the claims and accordingly, such reference signs do not have any limiting effect on the scope of each element identified by way of example by such reference signs.
This improvement is based on the well-known Gauss' theorem on repeated measurements and it is the Gaussian curve wich demonstrates the benefits provided on the precision of the weighing scale. This improvement to error reduction, obviously, can be applied to a three scale sequence, thus obtaining further reductions of Standard Deviation and relevant increases in precision.
Tis:Longxin's weight controllers can make the industrial weighing scales work more stability and security.